Sunday, October 5, 2014

Valley of Peace initiative [ wikipedia publication ]

Valley of Peace initiative

The Valley of Peace initiative is an official joint effort of the Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian governments to promote economic cooperation, and new business initiatives which can help both sides work together, and create a better diplomatic atmosphere and better economic conditions. It constitutes a co-existence project, as it is mainly designed to foster efforts in the private sector, once governments provide the initial investment and facilities.[1]
Joint economic cooperation between Israeli officials in Gilboa and Palestinian officials in Jenin has begun to have major results and benefits. In October 2009, a new project got underway promoting tourism and travel between the two areas. Major new business efforts and tourist attractions have been initiated in Jenin.[2] The two regions are planning a joint industrial zone which would bridge the border. Palestinians would produce locally-made handicrafts and sell them through Gilboa to other regions of the world. Another possible project is a joint language center, where Israelis and Palestinians would teach each other Arabic and Hebrew, as well as aspects of their cultural heritage.[3]
In early 2010, President Shimon Peres took an active and personal role in efforts to promote local business initiatives. Peres personally led a tour of top Israeli executives through the West Bank, and told them about many new Palestinian businesses which show much growth potential.[4] One company highlighted by Peres was the New Generation Technology incubator, a joint Jewish-Arab effort founded in 2002 which encourages new ideas and projects in technology and biotechnology.[5] As of 2011, according to Naftali Bennett, there are about 50 factories in the West Bank industrial region where Jews and Palestinians work together.[6]

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Commonalities from child rearing comparisons

Today a child rearing centered focus contained in the overall formula “For “ reconciliation, in part, is influenced from the pages of Emile written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau [ See: ], and the Arab and Israeli emerging traditions against a backdrop of conflicts. None the less, it is the real emotions which are expressed when each nation talks and then reflects on the future of ones children.

Unanswered though, in the meantime, in our times and era of today are, for example:

What are the real expectations and then national aspirations of the children right now, and especially of those who are the critical stages in their respected human [ Piaget ] development. Will there be consequences which could trigger internal future conflicts within ones own society; the key factor in present day internal crisis causing de-stablization; both political and reflecting at the same time growing militant religious conflict centered schism – i.e. cause by the emotional imprint of the Iraqi regime of Sadam Husine’s tyrant centered violence to enforce internal political controls.

What are the social, cultural, and career expectations of the children of Israel when compared with Arab children. Are the emotional mine sets of each is on the positive aspirations results of their conscious awareness of the events of today, or are there traces of emotional anxieties which later could trigger personal unrests to the extent of later creating the dependence on violent action to solve emotional crises.

Thus: Why a the inclusion of a child rearing comparison for commonalities as per:

It is the regional focus on such comparisons which forces the bests in ones own social and cultural customs to set the lead which will be found most dramatically in their out look of real commonalities; their intercultural communications significance to establish national goals of child rearing.

Who are we.

The Foundation “ For “ Arab – Israeli Reconciliation Ithaca, New York is a private sector approach to resolving the regional conflicts in the Middle East. Simply to provide a means, first through the internet, to promote private friendships / relationships, joint business plans and their implementation, and joint multi – national projects between individual and groups of Arabs and the Israelis. These are the real foundation blocks in creating the means, marketing behaviors, in which a peace can be achieved.

The education and orientation blog indicates clearly there exists on-going efforts to promote reconciliation as an alternative to the political process which has been largely anxiety ridden; and largely due to its high internet rankings, this blogs also gives high profile to those efforts as well. Thus political issues are clearly not desired here. More importantly any and all harsh rhetoric will not be tolerated either.

What one who is sincerely in their interests in finding a more stable process should focus on are the commonalities which exist between the Arabs and the Israelis. The discussions, as examples are as follows:

The development of personal relationships could take place in an American city like Chicago [ Which this internet process has ProBoards forums to help this happen. ] where these are groups of interested persons can set up a Get – Together to meets and discuss cultural folkways, and cultural habits. These discussion will in time will focus on attitudes in how boy meets girl, then, marriages, or various folk dances / lessons, as well as various menus of traditional foods.

Others, which is just as important to finding the real path to peace, is the critical aspects as ones career expectations, and how these expectations fits into ones own very personal future national aspirations of transforming ones own civilization into a self-dependent country.

These guidelines are very clear and their importance is contained with the resulting securities from which to raise a prosperous family life.

Mr. Roger M. Christian
Ithaca, New York